So I have been inspired by this fantastic book called Linchpin by Seth Godin.
Its a remarkable piece of writing, inspiring and daily I think of quotes from it.
Today's quote
"If you are deliberately trying to create a future that is safe, you will willfully ignore the future that is likely."
Today that quote bounced around bringing back potent memories. One such thought was becoming a mom. I told myself "its never gonna happen" I feared that I wouldn't be able to live out my own dreams.
You too may have said that once not just about parenthood but maybe a dream that you never followed through on. You know just that moment I'm talking about, when you had the chance but you let fear take over.
For so long I pushed that parenthood path aside. The world around me seemed scary and filled with bad people. I worried about bringing a kid into this mess, the things that might happen to him. Then we changed ( not the world ) we decided not to fear the unknown and went for it.
In the days after he was born all my worries were amplified. As he grew day after day, bump after seemingly tragic boo boo. I began to see how strong a child I already had. I knew that if he could survive the falls he could survive anything. I let go of many of my nonsense fears for things I had no control over and daily I try to do my best to give him a full and meaningful life.
I hope to never instill the fear of failure in him so that he can grow up taking on the world and challenging it. I'm not bringing up a child who is entitled, I am bring up a child who is indispensable. Hoping he will share his gifts for the greater good and raising a man who will make a positive difference in the world one day.
Finial thoughts : Taking a chance and not living in fear was life changing. My life is nothing I set out for it to be. Its way better. Don't let fear stand in the way of life....and if you fail try try again XOXO