So I have these moments every now an then that I'm not doing enough for my child. Like most Mom's I worry about his future and what he will become, rather then focusing on who he is now. He is turning 3 in like 2 weeks and his speech is a little behind but he is fearless, has an amazing imagination, plays like Pele and sings like a free bird. So I ask myself why am I letting other voices tell me how to be a Mom and what I'm not doing right by him.
Today was one of those days when I just felt like telling people its ok, he's 3. Harvard is a long way off......So I'm not gonna stress about him not formulating perfect conceptualized sentences. He's 3 its OK!!!!
We have gotten to this point in society where we stress our kids out because they need to be prepared. We test them, tally up their scores and then define who they are by the time they are 6. I mean really. What happened to kids being kids. They will have many years in the future to be stressed out adults so why am I gonna force the child out of him now. When he is ready he will be ready.
4 weeks ago we started potty training. He has been a piss wiz from the moment he started. He just just gets it. He was ready to move on to the next stage and in 1 week had the whole thing figured out. So its this that I take from that, when he is ready to tell me whats on his mind its gonna be awesome. He will be ready and there won't be any stopping him.
So .... please stop telling me he needs this and that when what he needs is time and for a kid that's more important then a high score on Mcats. Let the kids be kids all the other stuff will happen when they are ready for it.
I'm sorry you had to listen to someone's stupid comments! Every child moves at their own time...and yes, HE'S 3! Cheer up love bug...you're an AMAZING mom! Keep up the great work...I know I'l be calling you for help when we have kids! love you lots!
And actually...he's not even 3! ;) love you Hudson!
ReplyDeleteThat last comment was me...oops.
Thanks Nat, your awesome!!!! Love you too xo